My Niece, Her First Coffee Experiment and Me

Today was another day in my life so far where I felt special, for being my niece's Guinea Pig.

Yes you read it right, GUINEA PIG.
I am not sure how many uncles and aunties out there get a chance to become human testing device for their Nephews and Nieces, but I am one proud one.

What was the whole thing all about?

Well my niece who is just 9 years young, suddenly got an idea to make and serve either coffee or tea to someone, me being her best friend who was around she came to me directly asked me "Would you like to have some coffee or tea"

Immediately without any second thought I said ya sure anything is OK dear. I just had coffee 45 minutes before that.

She went into kitchen and didn't want me to see how she was making it, and as it is dangerous for a kid to be alone in kitchen, I requested my wife to be her monitor. Yes monitor those are the kind of words we need to speak to make a kid agree
Now she doesn't know anything about making coffee or tea except that there is something called powder and black liquid they use to make coffee or tea first her hunt started for them and successfully got what she wanted of course with a little help of the monitor
So I was trying to peep in sometimes to prepare my tummy with whatever was about to come, at the same time with full confidence in my niece's choice and her experiment.
Realizing that now it's time to heat some milk and she is not allowed to do that, she requests her monitor to heat the milk for her and just before the heating started she came running out of kitchen to see if she can ask everyone for some coffee or tea.

She asked everyone and as they all had just an hour ago, they all rejected her offer. Then I went to her and explained her not to ask anyone as they were all not allowed to drink more than once in the evening.

Well I didn't want to give anyone else the chance to share of being a guinea pig along with me (well both in a good sense and a bad sense).   
Now the heating of the milk was over and the monitor pours the milk in the cup and my niece mixes the coffee well along with half a spoon of sugar. 

To server it like a professional she gets a small plate throws in some biscuits on to the side with the cup of coffee and the spoon used to mix in the cup as well. 

Just like a professional she brings it to me and says "Sashank Mama (Uncle), here is your coffee. ENJOY!!!". First I looked at the colour of coffee and checked it as nice. Then I told her I don't eat biscuits, she looked at me and said what good is a coffee without a biscuit and I am suppose to eat it. 

Immediately I understood that there was no escape for me and I have to have one. I picked up a biscuit and she wanted to take a snap of me eating it. She picks up my wife's new phone Micromax Canvas 2.2 A114, without anyone teaching her how to use the camera she takes a snap. "CLICK".

Next instructions given to me was to mix the coffee again before drinking, and proof again was snapped "CLICK". Now what I asked. 
That was it, it was the moment of truth. The time to drink the coffee had come and I had lifted the cup put it near my lips and without any doubt had my first sip and............

It turned to be one of the best coffee I ever had, it was just a little too sweet for me but WOW really the first coffee she made and I became a happy guinea pig.

Now I know where to go for a good cup of coffee may be only after a few years when I grow old. 

THANK YOU MY DEAR NIECE, this post is dedicated to you from me and hope once you grow older and have access to internet and this post is still there you stumble across it.


-Sashank K

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